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What is the Purpose of Education?


Education must not only about instructions and trainings but most especially about helping the individuals grow and develop in his mental abilities and capacities in relation to the people and environment where he lives. It should improve other important aspects in people’s life too, serving as a vessel to where our future belongs; an existence that can be sustained and could sustain us humans for more millennia. But instead, education nowadays is focusing on a person’s ability to survive (and even get rich) in an intensely competitive hyper consumerist society without regards to people and nature; suggesting that mindless consumerism is normal; and that corporate pollution and wage slavery is necessary. If we want to correct the ways we are having right now as a society, we must first take another look at the direction our education is taking us.     

If there is one thing that we really have to pass on to the next generation, it is honest education. By honest I mean a kind of education that truly serves its purpose to all people in general and not only for the few rich individuals. Instead of enabling the society to attain higher perspectives, learning, values, and level of achievements for both individual and the collective, the education nowadays is almost just exist to serve the interests of the few, especially the elite that strongly influences most of our social institutions. Having an honest and truly humane and ethical educational system can help us addressed social issues efficiently because it provides long term solutions instead of temporary ones, driven by absolute greed for profit, causing social and environmental crises in many parts of the world.


This is why children really need to have the right education that could advance not only their material but also their moral and spiritual aspects as a person. In this way they can be responsible stewards of the earth themselves during their lifetime. In contrast, many so-called educated people, especially the richest few who are running the biggest corporations of the world, producing tons and tons of toxic industrial wastes (plastic, electronic products, cars, etc.) every month while also contaminating our water with heavy metals, live as if they are not really concern about the consequences of their decisions and actions. But education is not about exhausting or depleting our natural resources for great financial gains, usually at the expense of communities and even the future generations, but about ensuring an ecological and sustainable world for the children (and for ourselves too!) by improving the individuals in their attitude towards other people, animals, and the planet in general.

In today’s society, it’s almost you cannot survive and have your needs met without having basic education. Although this should not be the case always, education has become a sort of well-crafted system of indoctrination that are not only getting a lot of money from the parents but also manufacturing docile and hardworking individuals in the end. Instead of helping the human civilization evolve into a more intelligent, humane, and rational state, it is making the opposite; leading our children to endless work and blind consumption. It is our hope that more people would get involved and take part in making the educational system better.  

Benefits of Teaching Philosophy to Children in Class


It is inspiring to learn that few schools are still trying to enliven the spirit of philosophy within the human heart in spite of all these distractions and dumbing down going on especially in most industrialized and metropolitanized part of the world. With the rapid media technological changes and the growing generational apathy that is staggeringly prevalent in the recent decades, sweeping through our culture like a plague, the value of philosophy and self-inquiry has been almost totally forgotten and what remains is the emphasis on the perpetuation and the reproduction of the passive mundane mechanical nature, replacing our natural inquisitive minds with the embracement of digital and highly calculated obedience. So again, we should be grateful that there still remain a few parts of our humanity, manifesting through simple projects like, for instance, teaching children philosophy.

So what could be the benefits we as a society can get from this? What kind of positive changes we can achieve for our society if we teach philosophy to children? First of all, it will make them aware of so many varying ways of thinking, simple or complex, meaningful or absurd. And through this, they will gain a realization that exploring these ideas will make them appreciate their own and also the value of other’s ideas too. This will make them more confident about their own thoughts and gives them more opportunity to think about their answers to existential questions they are having themselves; sincerely delving into many different aspects of the issues or subjects, exploring different sides and angles. And through discussions, they can have a chance to speak clearly and honestly. This will help children develop a sense of empathy and tolerance to other’s opinions or way of life, things that are so important for all of us people to truly live a peaceful and productive life within the society.     

Photo: facebook.com/Institute-for-the-Advancement-of-Philosophy-for-Children-at-Montclair-State-310984896217/

Through the revival of these kinds of projects for students, along with effective promotion in the media, movie industry, music, and various arts and culture hub, society will eventually appreciate the value of philosophical thinking again; the sincere and genuine look and consideration to self and to everything in the universe. This will help our children flourish both intellectually and spiritually and have some sense of academic achievements. It doesn’t have to be so complex or deep or we don’t need to have big expectations, just the basic and the most important parts, aspects, or areas; they are all essential. If many of our institutions maintain this kind of education, our young generation will surely bring great positive impacts to our future society as it will systematically develop their character to be more rationally critical and intellectually flexible, thus, creative and resilient.       

Undoubtedly, if provided appropriately and efficiently, philosophy class will cultivate children’s perspectives and outlook on life. If we are going to maintain and develop discussions and programs of this kind to our schools, consequently it will increase the student’s empathic character, therefore, improving the way they treat each other and through compassion towards each other, their supportive impulses will also grow. It would also allow them to explore their imaginations and amazement in life, both in the practical and the abstract sense, giving them more sense of freedom and enthusiasm in life. And lastly, this will help their mind channel new and unfamiliar realms of realities along with their rational and experiential judgements. Lastly, it will develop their social skills while also teach them to listen, learn, and respect other’s point of view.    


Defining Authoritarian Personality Type


It is important to protect oneself from oppressive and abusive people. It is also very important to eliminate authoritarian elements within the society by addressing it on the psychological level for us to truly rise above our current condition. To achieve genuine progress, we must improve not only the quality of technology and institutional system we are using but also the moral compasses of individuals as these are the main life-force of the society and the strength to fight against deterioration and unrest. It is also important to put in mind that there are different kinds of people who are having authoritarian personality traits and these kinds of people need to be understood for us to be able to improve our behaviour socially. With this, we can truly direct the society into a more just and sound state.      

Photo: flickr.com/photos/nathaninsandiego/6157209456

It is somehow common for people who have “authoritarian personality” to cause pain in various ways and levels. Sometimes, these kinds of people derive pleasure from their own violent and cruel actions that typically results to further aggressive impulses. This is the reason why they do such kind of pathological actions towards their victims along with their sick obsession to control of others. Sometimes, control can be done through different ways such as shaming, belittling, and mockery. And when these things do not effectively satisfies his expectations, he or she often resorts to punishment just to have a sense of fulfilment.

Photo: theringer.com/2018/6/11/17452192/donald-trump-kim-jong-un-g7-conference-justin-trudeau

Second is, most people with this type of personality are often rigid thinkers. They are very limited in their thoughts and imaginations that is why they cannot maintain a consistent amount of rationality on their minds, making them more inclined to display tantrums and other childish characteristics. In addition, they are also very invasive. Of course, when someone needs to control and shame and humiliate, he or she can be intrusive to your personal space. People who are like this are also very verbally and emotionally abusive. Because they are authoritarians, of course they expect you to just do what you are told or just obey his rules, which are by the way, usually unrealistic and vague. Oftentimes also, when their rules are not followed, their expressions of hatred end up on physical violence and abuse.    

Photo: wallpaperup.com/27611/The_Bolsheviks_Lenin_Stalin_russia_soviet_union_communism_politics_humor_funny_art_urban_hip_jewelry_power_animals_dogs_people_men_males_tattoo.html

Speaking about physical abuse, it is also apparent that people who have authoritarian traits are more aggressive and assaultive. One of the reasons is that they have this strong urge to assert themselves, either as defence or to take advantage, and usually put themselves in the higher position. These behaviours common among many authoritarian people have different and complex roots and these causalities can sometimes so difficult to locate, making it harder to addressed. From family to nation level, authoritarian people always seek to control everyone and everything through very narrow set of rules and guidelines for their victims, therefore inferiors, to live by. However, it is also usually evident that people who are authoritarians are the ones that are more hypocrite and violators of their own laws.

Photo: themoscowtimes.com/2015/08/24/putin-and-kim-jong-un-are-not-so-different-op-ed-a49134

Lastly, for an authoritarian, fear is the most vital weapon. These kinds of people inflict fear upon the minds of their victims; thus, enabling them to have effective power over the individual. That is why they usually impose their will upon others in a very threatening and intimidating way. So much like of a militaristic approach, scare tactics helps them break their victim’s spirit and destroy their self-esteem. This would in turn results to submission and conformity, making the “authority” assumes more advantage position above it victim(s). With so much projection of hatred, they often yell, throw tantrums, and display kinds of behaviour that are utterly immature and often destructive. The main objective of these actions is to project more power over the situation or the person and to display dominance.       


How to Enjoy the Essence of Time


Most of the time when I asked my friends to have a bit of time to hang out with me for a little while, prepare food and listen to some music or watch something together just for the sake of having a good moment while enjoying a conversation about anything important, they usually say, “I have no time”. To many, these four words sounds seems so simple but what if we take a serious inquiry about it?  Honestly, I myself also has this dilemma for quite some time. There are times that I feel excited about having so many schedules for a week, for example; so excited that I let some of my friends know even if they don’t ask.

Being busy has become the norm these days, and we people sometimes feel proud about it, giving full details to others in explaining what keeps us active every day and what occupies our schedules. And if these things are for the family or for the children, of course, it would be such a total priority for many. This is normal for us being a human at these times; to think that we must exist as always being preparatory for the coming future. However, if we don’t stop, take a deep breath and observe the current moment, we will never be satisfied and will never appreciate life.   

Photo: theamericanconservative.com/articles/we-werent-made-for-endless-work/

We must work for the future, of course this is how all of us think. Just work and do not mind the time, this is how some of us makes things tolerable. But how many of us fall in line just to get the most of what we want? Sometimes, people work themselves to death not only to have food on the table and keep a roof above their heads but also to feed their desire for material gain or social status. I want more, and I want to have them soon! Do we really complain about this monstrous system that keeps us tied to the production machine that endlessly creates garbage, otherwise known as the economy? Are we happy seeing the people who has the most wealth and power, with so much time, controls everything, forcing us to live a very expensive life while at the same time, legally steal from us through both overt and covert corruption? Is this what we really want as a society or are we just not reacting on it? Is there really a need for us to rush and always want the next result of our superficial and sometimes nonsense actions? At the end of the day, have you tried looking around and ask why so many people do the same thing repeatedly for the rest of their lives?

When you get conscious, you will ask, where am I going? What kind of existence am I heading towards? Why I often think “I have no time”? Once you learn to ask these questions, usually asked by wise men, you will mostly won’t have regrets in the future as it will enable you to use your time effectively. Of course, if we want to, we have time; we just don’t manage them efficiently. But no matter what, you must put in mind that while you are still active and young, you must strive to equip your self with both physical and mental or psychological strengths through investing time for your self. Unlike people who are constantly chasing the next thing, you will enjoy the best times in your life more often rather than worrying about them.

So, do not wait for something that might not really come; never listen to the spells of the people who often promises hope in exchange of your precious time and energy. Or simply choose things wisely. Make time for your self. Spend time only to those who help you grow as a person. Realize that the truth is, we people has the power to create time through our hands by creating events, memories, happenings, situations, etc. that favor us and our interests.

It is true that we, as a society under the control of profit driven institutions, are really getting more and more pre-occupied these days. So sometimes, it is true when we say that we have no time. However, we can never be totally sure whether it is because of the way the system wants us to function daily or is it really a necessity because time and situations has been so radically different. It could also be both. However, we can tell through our experience and by how we use sound analyzation on things.

Photo: yyztravel.com/winter-vacation-price-drop-protectiona beach

Whatever really the case is, it is important that we don’t let ourselves be overwhelmed and overpowered by negativity and hopelessness; therefore, we must always remember that we can create our own meaning and define life on a very colorful and substantial definitions. We must work for our progression and our evolution but with appreciation towards the essence of every moment or the process or the present. Aside from this, we must also learn new things in life and face our responsibility to share our wisdom to people that matter to us.


Understanding the Value of Imagination


As humans, it is normal for most of us sometimes to get stuck on certain thoughts, repeating over and over inside our heads. This is OK for as long as it is not in an obsessive and irrational manner, it’s normal and not a pathological pattern to worry about. This could be part of our inner desire and needs to be processed for our consciousness to be healthy and active. Even when we are not children anymore, of course, we still get carried away by our imaginations and unless we are not pre-occupied with other important things, such as our day job and other inescapable daily house chores, sometimes we spend big amounts of time on this without noticing it. It doesn’t mean it’s bad all the time or it is always a waste of time. It’s a matter of how you act on it or how you use your imagination for improving your life.  

Photo: idillionaire.com/blog/believe-in-the-power-of-your-imagination.html

Homo sapiens really need to be imaginative so that our brain can access the realm that makes it more aware and more prepared in solving problems. It helps us develop self-confidence and improve our social interactions, therefore, make us more consciously engaged on realities that serve our interests. As what the famous Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world”. What he means by this is that imagination will make your mind more creative and efficient in dealing with challenges and everyday experiences. Thus, Einstein emphasizes the importance of our imagination to our decisions and choices on our daily life.   

Photo: thegodabovegod.com/famous-scientists-who-tapped-into-magic-imagination-to-change-the-world/

According also to Tao de Haas, a psychotherapist and a social ecologist, “The ability to imagine things pervades our entire existence. It influences everything we do, think about and create. It leads to elaborate theories, dreams and inventions in any profession from the realms of academia to engineering and the arts. Ultimately, imagination influences everything we do regardless of our profession”. In addition, he also encourages us to enhance our imagination and access our creativity by improving our brain through daily exercises and practices. By doing this, we can face any obstacles in life and we can rise above our incompetency and self-doubt.       

Photo: www.pioneeringminds.com/PQPosts/power-of-imagination/

In addition, according to some study, being imaginative preserves our memory and will make us less likely to suffer things like dementia in old age. This is because using our brain through imagination will help develop new neurons, allowing the growth of new cells, therefore making it healthy and well-functioning. This makes sense as our brain is like a muscle that also needs exercise and constant stimulation for it to be healthy.

Given that in these times most of us have been tied to daily activities that don’t really involve real imagination and doesn’t find its value, it is up to us how to change the circumstances. It is up to us how to make others understand the importance of imagination and how it can help us to understand what is really going on in our society. It is also up to us how to show that using our imagination, we can help solve these problems and crises we are having, individually and socially. It will help us have a critical and innovative look at our future and our destiny as human beings. As what the famous scientist Carl Sagan has said, “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere”.


List of YouTube Channels for Thinkers


Where do we go from here? This is what both the science and religion is trying to answer since time immemorial but seems up to these days, we still haven’t provided a promising answer to this ancient question yet. The biggest institutions of the world, known and unknown, is spending millions of dollars trying to answer fundamental issues our civilization is facing like this one, hoping that someday (at least this is what they claim) we can eradicate major human problems such as war, diseases, and poverty and that the future will be limitless abundant in resources, food, etc. For many, the question is trying to ask us about the course of humanity concerning our future and our worsening environmental crisis. It can also be a question about technology, its well-thought capacity and limitations. So it sends an alarming yet positively provocative call for all of us to stand and face our maturity, once and for all.

Photo: psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-matters-most/201509/top-10-amazing-recent-findings-character-strengths

Given it is very important to be conscious politically and socially, to question the very basic meaning or existence of thoughts, actions, and things, here are three amazing YouTube channels you might want to visit for your self-study. Before you proceed, it is important to put in mind that me, as an author of this article, does not suggest that the ideas discussed here are the only correct way of seeing and interpreting things. Of course, people have different experiences and not all ways of dealing them are the same. However, the observations and realizations being talked about on these channels are just practical answers to some people’s (mostly philosophers, scientists, and thinkers) personal curiosity, soliloquy, doubts, and even madness. It just so happened that others can relate too. Isn’t it? Anyway, let me now introduce the channels to you.

First is the channel called “Academy of Ideas”:

This channel talks about different topics within the realms of philosophy, psychology, and history, ranging from the Stoics of ancient Greece to 19th century Germany to the existentialist ideas of the 20th century. It also tackles important psychological subjects and views by Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, and others. It brings highly intellectually stimulating topics that are very useful even to our current society.   

Another one is called “Psyche Truth”:


This channel exists to “help people take control of their health and happiness by posting informational videos on everything from nutrition & massage to psychology & yoga”. This channel is very helpful to doctors, yoga teachers, health coaches and anyone who wants to learn about not only health but also psychology, psychiatry, mental health, etc.

And the last one is called “School of life”:


This one is a philosophy channel promoting the importance and urgency of self-knowledge. Most of this video is narrated by Alain de Botton, a philosopher himself. It is established to provide the public practical philosophies that are usually not being taught in the school or not being discussed by many. These information are very helpful in improving our lives so we can have peace and productivity in our homes and our workplaces. According to the people behind this project, “we created The School of Life; a resource for helping us understand ourselves, for improving our relationships, our careers and our social lives – as well as for helping us find calm and get more out of our leisure hours”.

Photo: stock.adobe.com/images/information-warfare-word-tag-cloud-3d-rendering-blue-variant/198518198

In today’s mass media, people can now participate in the so-called information warfare that has been going on for quite a long period of time. The winner often determines the mass psychology, decisions, and direction. Of course, it is those that own the most resources often win. But there are hacking techniques for those who join the fight. So are you ready to fight (as if you have a choice)? Many important people such as historians, scientists, public intellectuals, artists, etc. through history have not only been witness, they also have become participants in this warfare. They have witnessed the decades of evolution in the information and technology culture and its influence on trends from decades ago up to the current time. It was clear to them how it is being used to manipulate the minds of the public using covert and overt techniques. So this is why it is so helpful for individuals to check out materials like these ones. Through exploring these intellectual avenues and channels, we will see how things on our social arena really look like as we stimulate critical thoughts within.

Homage to the Thinkers and Doers of Humanity


Throughout history, many sincere thinkers and visionaries of various societies were very kind to us in tirelessly doing the efforts it needed to protect humanity and the planet we live in. They’ve inspired us to stand for our rights to maintain the dignity we are having over our lives as humans. But more than this, it is really worth our gratitude and appreciation that people who are of this kind, upholding the value of wisdom and our history for harmony and progress, have been in so many ways, successful in doing their self-chosen duty for the humanity. From Europe to America to Asia, there were thousands of sincere people, thinkers and initiators of actions from different backgrounds, who are worth giving respect to and whose ideas are worth remembering and discussing every once in a while, especially in dealing with social and political crises.

One example of this is Howard Zinn. He once said that, “If we do act in, in however small way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.” As for me, this can be compared to the Hindu notion of “here and now” and to the existentialist idea of living out the present situation you want to create as meanings of your life. In addition, it is also about appreciating the daily moment of your life with the intention of doing what is morally right, that is to defy what is bad around us. And finally, perceiving it as something you’ve won against the game of life, a marvelous victory.

Another people that are also worth remembering, especially for the social and ecological direction or course we are trying to take right now, are Rachel Carlson (anti-pesticide movement), Dr. Max Gerson (alternative treatment to cancer movement), and Bill Mollison (permaculture movement). Well, for sure there are hundreds more of names worth mentioning in the name of social movement and the organic agriculture movement (which by the way still needs our serious support). Naturally, in the past people lived in harmony with nature. We didn’t think of using chemicals, poisons, and genetic engineering for our food supply. We didn’t have the healthcare and agricultural system that is doing the opposite; instead of protecting the health of the people, it uses highly toxic substances and harmful agents against us. We didn’t have politicians who are sucker for corporations that are obsessed with profit, land resources, raw materials, and economic control. Now, many farmers and consumers alike have been deliberately misinformed; products and the market are highly controlled and regulated.  


On the other side, sad to say some of us have been turned prisoners of smartphones and other China made plastic toys as internet powered capitalism sucked every resource of our world dry. Instead of healthy food and real parental attention, children are given radioactive gadgets. But as what others say, “infinite growth on a finite planet equals death”, of the ecology and of the earth itself. So, later, who will explain to future generations it was good for the economy? Aren’t we missing out some things those thinkers and visionaries mentioned above know? This is why it is always worth looking out to personalities who have been positively active members of our society throughout time; to those who continually contribute talents and ideas that help humanity solve problems and thrive. It is important to choose who will influence us.

So what are you waiting for? Try to look back and remember the people who positively influenced your life; people whose ideas motivated you to consciously live your life. Check out some updates about them, if they are still alive or what projects they are doing right now. Through their stories, inspire your self and have more strength to uplift and help others!   

Featured image: https://theproductivitypro.com/blog/2015/09/looking-ahead-acting-as-your-teams-visionary-thinker/

Sleep is your superpower by Matt Walker


Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you get sleep — and the alarmingly bad things that happen when you don’t, for both your brain and body. Learn more about sleep’s impact on your learning, memory, immune system and even your genetic code — as well as some helpful tips for getting some shut-eye.

Retirement isn’t an age, it’s a financial status.


People dream about retirement to be able to relax and have financial independence. To lounge in a beach, spoil their grandchildren, work for their passion or travel the world. People dream of retirement to be able to do what brings them unbridled joy and happiness.

But as of right now, we got to get back to our daily life. Our daily life which consists of commute, work politics, micro-managers, work stress, work de-stress, and deadlines.

Our managers expect us to be happy to arrive at work when we have to wake up 2-3 hours earlier from our shift schedule. We wake up early so we can be stuck at rush hour and be on time for work. We have to listen to their ramblings and pretend to care. Then we get to be micro-managed to do the same job that we’ve been doing for 3+ years. Like for some miraculous reason, something changed. After work, we get to experience another rush hour on our commute home. Then when we get home, we watch T.V. and buy food to de-stress from our stressful work life. We throw our stress to the T.V., games, spouse, children, or ourselves. Unfortunately, we can only do that until 10 pm because we have to get up early in an upbeat mood for our bosses the next day!

Why you should Retire Early:

We trade our time for money so we can be able to “live”. The sad part is most of us will continue to do it for 40 more years; some will never stop until they die. Most people will never truly “live”. Retire early because Retirement isn’t an age, it’s a financial status.

Are you enjoying your life now? If you don’t feel passion towards your job, you should aim to retire early. Stop trading your time for money. Live a life you want. Retire to stop working for money and start living for yourself.

1. Our time is limited and too precious to exchange for money

Would you be happy to sit in a box for 10 hours/day in a year for $100,000/year before tax? If you would, you’re basically a whore. Selling your time for money.

Budget your time wisely because it’s the only limited resource we have. It’s more expensive than money or any prestige. It’s the only thing people can’t get more of. Use your time for your beliefs and things that make you happy. Use your money to make money. Retirement isn’t an age, it’s a financial status.

2. It’s our human instinct to travel the world

We humans have a deeply curious nature. We want to explore and still be safe from the environment. With the help of technology, we can travel mostly everywhere in Earth. We can fly, sail, drive, and bike anywhere. To enjoy whale watching, or hiking the Appalachian Trail or Climbing Mt. Everest. The thrill of experiencing new stuff is always a blast.

3. Discover your principles and values but keep an open mind

Don’t self-identify with anything because once you believe we are and are not, we cannot overcome our avoidance and anxiety. We cannot change ourselves.

Don’t find yourself. I say never know who you are. Because that’s what keeps you striving and discovering. And it forces you to remain humble in your judgments and accepting of the difference in others.

4. Enjoy our community; meaning our family and friends

We spend too much time at work that we tend to forget about to give time to our family. Retiring early means that we get to spend more time with our spouse, kids, family and parents. We get to have more moments together that will become memories later.

“No amount of money or success can take the place of time spent with your family.”

5. Find value in life

Man’s main concern is not to gain pleasure or to go avoid pain but rather to see a meaning in his life. The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her life. There are three possible sources for meaning: in work (doing something significant), in love (caring for another person), and in courage during difficult times.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms- to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. If you’re doing work that inspires people and gets noticed, you will definitely find people that want to be a part of your team. Often the right person to hire is already within your friend or business network, or community. Reach out and ask for referrals or for people who are interested in the role you have on offer. You’ll often find you hire people who are your biggest advocates and already understand why you do what you do and your business ethos.


Personally, I don’t enjoy most of the social interactions at my job. People will bash other people like they are perfect and pretend they are best friends the next day. The boss may not be perfect but who is… they are just trying their best. I don’t care much about my current job other than the money because I don’t share the values of my coworkers and work politics. I’ll happily penny-pinch my retirement at 30-40s, to be able to enjoy my time in the world more. Creating and defining my life. Our time is exchanged for money so that we can use money to buy something else. In my case, I want to use my money to buy more money so I don’t have to waste my time to exchange for money.

To retire at 60s, is better than most but are you happy to exchange your time for money? You’d notice that some of your co-workers didn’t even hit retirement age. Your body is becoming frail and weaker. You have less time to travel. Your kids have grandkids now and you don’t want to be away from them. There’s a time for everything, you just have to decide when. Retirement isn’t an age, it’s a financial status.

Scientists Finally Discovered the Truth About Easter Island


We all know that the easter island heads have bodies – that’s not a mystery at all. But but how did the easter island population build hundreds of statues? Scientists have recently solved this mystery and discovered where these people disappeared to and why.

